AFFORDABLE LUXURY is your online universe with a handpicked assortment of 100% guaranteed genuine secondhand & Vintage designer bags & accessories.

Trust and security are paramount and you can act with confidence, knowing that every purchase from Redeluxury Aps. is backed by our guarantee of authenticity.

We are passionate about luxury at affordable prices and sustainability. We believe that together we can make a difference. Our philosophy is simple: ReThink, ReUse, ReDuce, ReStore. For you, for me and for the future.


Just like saving money never goes out of style! If you are looking for a good investment, you can explore the luxury designs that have remained popular and even increased in popularity since their introduction. Some examples you probably recognize are: Chanel Classic Flap, Christian Dior Lady Dior or the classic Louis Vuitton designs. The classic models and designs are widely recognized as the basis of high fashion. The vintage versions are incredibly affordable and often demonstrate superior craftsmanship and durability over their recently produced counterparts. You can ditch dating apps - An authentic vintage designer bag from is the perfect match!


    For many luxury brands, resale value tends to stabilize and even increase over time. The best examples of this are vintage Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags, whose sky-high resale values ​​make them the ultimate investments. Whether you've fallen in love with vintage Pochette Metis, LV Loop, Chanel Diana or Classic Flaps, the demand for vintage luxury hasn't brought down prices. The advantage of preloved and vintage is that you can choose to love it for years or resell it and add a new accessory to your wardrobe rotation. When you buy secondhand or vintage, you choose a design item that comes with a rich history and a uniqueness that is characteristic of you.


    We believe that formidable craftsmanship and vintage designer items should be honored, preserved and loved for many years to come. They deserve it - and so do you! Our mission is to create an online universe where used high-fashion luxury and vintage items can find new homes. At, we are convinced that sustainable fashion is the future and we believe in circular economy. We believe that by investing in fashion that is timeless and thus reducing new production, we as consumers can make better choices. It is our goal to become the #1 online destination for you. A place you can shop with confidence - and a place where you get a good and affordable authentic designer shop.

  • WHO IS REDELUXURY? was founded in 2020 by Helena, who has a passion for vintage and preloved designer items. Helena has been collecting, reselling and buying vintage designer goods for years. The idea behind Redeluxury Aps. is to create an online universe for guaranteed authentic and affordable designer items. Helena personally knows the challenges of shopping online for designer items and that is exactly why is 100% committed to sustainability, transparency, safety and authenticity. For, the online universe is not just a business, it is a passion as well as an art and a science. Each and every item is selected carefully and personally.

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